평가원 영어, 수사의문문
2023학년도 9모 21번(밑줄)
밑줄 친 send us off into different far corners of the library가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
You may feel there is something scary about an algorithm deciding what you might like. Could it mean that, if computers conclude you won’t like something, you will never get the chance to see it? Personally, I really enjoy being directed toward new music that I might not have found by myself. I can quickly get stuck in a rut where I put on the same songs over and over. That’s why I’ve always enjoyed the radio. But the algorithms that are now pushing and pulling me through the music library are perfectly suited to finding gems that I’ll like. My worry originally about such algorithms was that they might drive everyone into certain parts of the library, leaving others lacking listeners. Would they cause a convergence of tastes? But thanks to the nonlinear and chaotic mathematics usually behind them, this doesn’t happen. A small divergence in my likes compared to yours can send us off into different far corners of the library. * rut: 관습, 틀 ** gem: 보석 *** divergence: 갈라짐 |
① lead us to music selected to suit our respective tastes
② enable us to build connections with other listeners
③ encourage us to request frequent updates for algorithms
④ motivate us to search for talented but unknown musicians
⑤ make us ignore our preferences for particular music genres
1. You may feel there is something scary about an algorithm deciding what you might like
: 내가 좋아할 가능성이 있는 것을 결정하는 알고리즘에 대한 무서움 언급
2. Could it mean that, if computers conclude you won’t like something, you will never get the chance to see it? Personally, I really enjoy being directed toward new music that I might not have found by myself.
: 의문문이 나왔지만 뒤에는 그 의문문에 대한 답이 없으면, 수사의문문으로 설의법같은 것!(이게 이쁘니? -> 별로 이쁘지 않다는...)
: 결국 내가 싫어하는 것이 결정되면 그걸 다시는 볼 수 있는 기회(가능성)가 없다는것이 무서움이 아니란 뜻이야, 뒤에 읽으면서 필자가 말하는 무서움이 뭔지 찾아야해!
3. I can quickly get stuck in a rut where I put on the same songs over and over. That’s why I’ve always enjoyed the radio. But the algorithms that are now pushing and pulling me through the music library are perfectly suited to finding gems that I’ll like. My worry originally about such algorithms was that they might drive everyone into certain parts of the library, leaving others lacking listeners.
: personally를 기점으로 예시를 쭉 읽어보니, 알고리즘이 같은 노래를 계속 듣게 만드니까 내가 라디오를 즐기게 되었고, 알고리즘은 내가 좋아하는 보석을 찾는데는 완전히 적합하다고 나왔어! 이건 무서움이 아니라 그저 알고리즘에 대한 특징이잖아!
: my worry부터 이제 걱정이 나온다는 것은 필자가 생각하는 무서움 같은게 아닐까? 하고 보니 '모두를 특정한 부분으로 유도시키는 것' 이게 걱정이자 무서움이야!(앞에서 이야기한 무서운 것이 나왔으니까 잡아두고)
4. Would they cause a convergence of tastes? But thanks to the nonlinear and chaotic mathematics usually behind them, this doesn’t happen.
: 역시 의문문이 나오지만, 뒤에 this doesn't happen이라고 답을 주고 있어!
: 취향의 통합이 위에서 말한 모두를 특정한 부분으로 유도시키는 것을 말하는데 그건 발생하지 않나봐!(처음 등장한 내용이니까 잡아두고)
5. A small divergence in my likes compared to yours can send us off into different far corners of the library.
: small divergence, 즉 작은 갈라짐은 나와 타인의 차이를 말하고 있는데 이런 취향의 차이와 위에서 언급한 알고리즘의 비선형성 같은 것들이 우리를 다른 곳으로 보낼 수 있다는 것....!
-> 처음을 읽으면서 내려오면, 알고리즘이 가지는 무서움이 내가 싫어하는 것을 다시는 볼 수 없다는 개인의 문제처럼 느껴지지만, 수사의문문을 통해서 무서움이라는 것이 나와 타인이 한 곳으로 모이게 만들 수 있다는 것(이건 개인의 문제는 아니고!)
-> 그리고 마지막에서 그건 발생하지 않는다고 끝을 내고 있습니다!
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Recent evidence suggests that the common ancestor of Neanderthals and modern people, living about 400,000 years ago, may have already been using pretty sophisticated language. If language is based on genes and is the key to cultural evolution, and Neanderthals had language, then why did the Neanderthal toolkit show so little cultural change? Moreover, genes would undoubtedly have changed during the human revolution after 200,000 years ago, but more in response to new habits than as causes of them. At an earlier date, cooking selected mutations for smaller guts and mouths, rather than vice versa. At a later date, milk drinking selected for mutations for retaining lactose digestion into adulthood in people of western European and East African descent. ______________________________________. The appeal to a genetic change driving evolution gets gene-culture co-evolution backwards: it is a top-down explanation for a bottom-up process.
① Genetic evolution is the mother of new habits
② Every gene is the architect of its own mutation
③ The cultural horse comes before the genetic cart
④The linguistic shovel paves the way for a cultural road
⑤ When the cultural cat is away, the genetic mice will play
- 2013학년도 수능 27번 문제인데, 2번째 문장에서 수사의문문이 등장하는데 조금 까다로워서 같이 가져왔습니다.
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첫번째 댓글의 주인공이 되어보세요.